The ultimate leader

Like it or not a choral conductor has to take up the role leader of a leader in a choir. However, what kind of leadership should a choral conductor adapts with a choir to get the best result of music making?  Many conductors tend to adapt the “I know it all” kind of leadership or even “Do so because I said so”. But do these last two versions of leadership are truly successful with choirs?

Lately I had the opportunity to work with Peter Hanke – a Danish conductor who focuses on elements in leadership. He is still on the look out to understand connections that exist between leadership and music making. Briefly, what he suggests is that a choral conductor should make the singers feel wanted and important in a choir. There has to exist a collateral relationship between the conductor and the choir.  By trusting the singers, a choral conductor can achieve better results without having to do much. Peter explained how the conductor should always keep the singers as first priority, secondly the music score and lastly his own self.

So many ideas to whet my appetite! Looking forward to put these concepts into action!