Young Musicians' Celebration at JSSoM

  • Marouska
  • Children's Choir
  • JSSoM

I cannot but not comment on yesterday’s first performance with JSSoM children’s choir. It was my first time ever that I have worked with such young singers and believe me it was rather a very heartening experience.

Sometimes I do think that we adults underestimate what children can do. When children are given the space to shine, they can do anything! I was really impressed by their first performance. They were quick to response, they had sharp minds and above all they sang beautifully. When they were called, in very little time they were able to calm down, focus, line up and find their place allocated for them to sing.

I must say, I was rather lucky to have met such a beautiful group. Different personalities enrich a choir and this group was no exception. There were the carers, the reminders and the givers. Some cared for others or even took the role of reminding the rest of the group what they should do when they go on stage. For this occasion there was also one particular child who got some treats for everybody to share after the concert.

All the research that has been done on choir singing must be true. Apart from the musical education, these children are being taught other important life skills that are needed in becoming successful adults. Without knowing, they are learning how to socialise and work in a team, they are improving their esteem and above all they are learning how to set a goal and achieve it! I only hope that in the few rehearsals we had together, I was successful in touching their hearts and inspire them to do more singing because it is not only fun but it also uplifts us beyond ordinary routine.

